American Legion Post 26 Christmas Party
Saturday, December 7th
5pm - 8pm
You're invited to our Potluck Christmas! Join us for a festive gathering filled with delicious food, fun, and a gift exchange. Bring your favorite dish to share along with a wrapped gift ($15 max) for the exchange. Hope to see you there!
Welcome to Post 26
What's New?
Ham Radio Club​
In May, 2022 Post 26 created a Ham Radio Club for members of the Post and their families. If you are interested in Ham Radio and want to get licensed come to a meeting at the Post. We normally meet on the third Tuesday of every month. You can become part of a very small (Only 0.233%) and unique segment of the population.
Meetings are the 3rd Tuesdays at the post starting 1830
American Legion Riders
Post 26 started an American Legion Riders Chapter in 2021. The Riders is open to members of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion. For more info please visit and email Frank Carson at
Sons of the American Legion (SAL)
SAL meetings started in 2021. Th from 6 to 7 pm on the 4th Monday of each month. If you are a son of a Legion veteran, please visit a SAL meeting to see what it is all about and how you can help others.​​

Post 26 Monthly Business Meeting
Once a month on the 4th Tuesday
Doors open and social begins 6:00pm
Dinner starts at 6:45 pm and is $10
Meeting starts around 7:30pm
Sons of American Legion "S.A.L." Unit 26 Monthly Business Meeting
Once a month on the 4th Monday
Doors open at 5:30pm
Meeting starts at 6pm
Auxiliary Unit 26 Monthly Business Meeting
Once a month on the 2nd Monday
Doors open at 5:45pm
Meeting starts at 6pm
Legion Riders Chapter 26 Monthly Business Meeting
Once a month on the 1st Saturday
Doors open at 9:30am
Meeting starts at 10am
Post 26 Ham Radio Club
Monthly Business Meeting
Once a month on the 3rd Tuesday
Meeting starts at 6pm